The AAMA 501.2 test procedure, a field water test. (AAMA has actually re-classified the "AAMA Hose Test" procedure, as it is commonly called, to reflect it's true intent of being a Quality Control Check)
If you are preparing to begin field testing curtain wall on your project using water testing 501.2 methods, keep in mind the protocol is not intended for nor does it meet "acceptance" testing criteria.
To be certain consult your project specifications to ensure the work you're doing will meet the requirements.
After years of performing the proceedure, we have developed a 501.2 nozzle assembly that delivers performance and comfort in the field testing environment.
For the basics visit:
How to Perform a Field Quality Control Check for Water Penetration On an Installed Curtain Wall
If you still have questions, contact us, we're happy to share what we know to help you complete your project successfully.