Recon Independent Assessments has a broad base of knowledge from years of experience in the Building Envelope Consulting field. Whether your project is on the board going through design phase or construction is beginning Recon Independent Assessments has the skill set and experience to provide real time actionable recommendations to help your team deliver the very best watertight building envelope to your client.
An overview of some of our current projects includes:
Two federal projects in Virginia; one under construction and another undergoing renovations to correct issues related to water intrusion after occupancy.
A project in North Carolina that encompasses three new buildings under construction where Recon Independent Assessments is assisting the Building Envelope Commissioning Agent by providing field testing and consulting to ensure roof systems, cladding and fenestration are performing to meet design criteria.
A project in Florida on a state university campus assisting an the Architect tasked with developing a remedial plan for a dormitory that is being adversely affected by high moisture levels within the structure.
Four projects in Florida providing field quality control testing on various residential multi-family low rise and high rise structures for the General Contractor to ensure the glazing subcontractor meets the design criteria for installed fenestration.
A project in Florida encompassing multiple buildings for a Regional Public Transportation System's Maintenance facility to document successful installation of various window systems using ASTM E -1105 Field Testing for Water Penetration Resistance.
A project in Florida where new construction of a municipal Police Department requires field testing of punched openings, storefront and curtain wall systems to meet the project specifications design criteria.
Two healthcare projects in Maryland; providing building envelope consulting, design review and field testing on one and providing field testing and consulting on the other.
Recon Independent Assessments is available to assist on your project should the need arise.
Contact us to discuss your project: