Friday, March 28, 2014

Reputation Insurance - A 15 Minute Phone Call...

Mother Nature will come calling and provide a real & dynamic QC check after the building is occupied by the owner.

The importance of field quality control in Division 8 can not be overlooked.

Over 80% of construction related claims involve water intrusion through the building envelope.

Wind Driven Rain is a Reality

Waterproofing details are important.

Testing Early in the Project Sets the Bar for Quality.

Recon Independent Assessments provides comprehensive services to make your next building envelope  and components a watertight success.  Beginning with Design Review & Mock-Up Testing and continuing through the project with FQC visits and Field Testing, Recon will partner with your team to enhance the final result.  We view the project with a concentration on the details that our experience identifies as potential problems that could exist or be created.

With typical cost of less that 1% of most project budgets, we provide the most affordable Reputation Insurance available.

Contact is easy:
