Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Condominium Glazing Retrofit Project

Recon Independent Assessments will provide field quality control testing on a major retrofit project in Jacksonville over the coming days.

The integrity of the installation and the window systems will be evaluated via ASTM E 1105 field testing procedures to ensure the success of the project.

The goal of the project is to replace existing windows that have been problematic in the past and to replace them with new windows that resist water penetration through the building envelope.

Recon's pricing and service are recognized in the construction materials testing world as a true value and our on site service is second to none.

Call 866-584-6868 to learn how our team of testing consultants bring professional, real time, data to the project team to assist them in delivering positive results that support the design intent theory and practice.

Coastal Condominium Window Retrofit Project

Waterproofing and Air Barrier Tested for Air Infiltration Rate

Work continues in Jacksonville at University of North Florida.

Air Infiltration Testing was called for in the project documents as part of the field quality control testing procedures to ensure the building envelope performed as designed.

Lots of critical building envelope details are being tested to ensure the water penetration resistance of the design is met.

Metal panels will cover the fluid applied air barrier/waterproofing.

Recon Independent Assessments provides quality field testing services in Florida & Nationwide.

Contact us today to discuss your project and to receive a proposal of cost for the testing required on your project.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

University of North Florida - Jacksonville Curtain Wall Field Testing

The field quality control testing called for in the project documents includes testing at 10 - 30 & 70% of completion of Division 8 work, including aluminum windows and curtain walls.

Recon arrived on site this morning to continue testing to help ensure the project's successful completion.

Call Recon Independent Assessments
Field Quality Control Testing
Building Envelope Consulting

Friday, March 23, 2012

Investigating Building Envelope Issues

Recon Independent Assessments takes pride in providing expert assistance to building owners and contractors when a building envelope failure is difficult to diagnose.  Often we're called upon as a last resort after "multiple guess" repairs have not stopped water from entering the interior of the structure.

Streamline your efforts and put issues to bed quickly; contact Recon to learn how we can help you with solutions to water penetration through the building envelope.

We'll go over the issue with a fine tooth comb to determine the source and help develop solutions that will resolve it.  Our approach is fast, friendly and cost effective.

Give us a call to learn what we can do for you:  866-584-6868 

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Recon Independent Assessments

The past two and a half months have been a blur.  Projects requiring windows, curtain walls and roofing  materials field testing has taken us across the state of Florida.

Testing in Jacksonville on construction projects that included a new university facility, a condominium retrofit and upgrade and a new hospital tower required both ASTM E 1105 & AAMA 501.2 test procedures.

Orlando projects used AAMA 502 & 503 test standards to evaluate newly installed windows and storefront entrances at several schools and a retirement community tower project.

A medical research facility in south Florida and hospital on the east coast required testing using FM-152 roof uplift testing.

We are humbled by the trust that we've received from our clients and will continue to build on that trust each and every time we support their mission.

Operable Window Field Testing of School Project

Moisture Intrusion Investigation on Coastal Condominium

ASTM E 1105 Field Testing 

University Facilities Field Testing 

Identifying Problems Early In A Project Prevents Future Problems