Monday, April 16, 2012

Factory Water Penetration Resistance Testing During Production

Recently, Recon Independent Assessments was conducting field tests on newly installed windows at a vertical expansion project on a healthcare facility.  One of the openings selected for an ASTM E 1105 field test for water penetration resistance had windows installed that included stickers showing that the glazing system had been subjected to testing at the factory as part of their quality control program.

Factory Quality Control vs. Field Testing
Factory Tested

Two windows were joined in the opening along with a vertical mullion between them.

At 4 minutes into the test cycle, water appeared beneath the sill and entered the building.

While the factory QC test may have given a sense of security that the opening would be watertight, testing in the field allowed for the problem with perimeter sealant to be exposed and corrected.

Field testing should be an important part of every project.  The money spent to confirm that windows, storefronts, curtain wall and skylights can go a long way towards ensuring that the building envelope will be performing as the design intended.

Recon Independent Assessments provides field testing during new construction as well as expert services in the construction defect litigation arena.  Without a doubt, the use of field testing on a project is much less costly.

To learn more about why Recon should be your choice in field testing by a qualified third party testing agency, give us a call.  866-584-6868 

From design review, specification review and consulting, field testing and litigation support Recon has you covered.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Windward Community College Library Nears Completion - Window and Curtain Wall Testing Provided By Recon

Recon Independent Assessments provided field quality control testing in late 2011 & early 2012 in support of the WCC Library Learning Center.

ASTM E 1105 water penetration resistance field quality control testing was performed in an effort to help Absher construct and deliver a watertight building envelope.

Take a look around the project here:  CLICK

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Recon Independent Assessments Litigation Consulting & Field Testing

Recon is an experienced consulting firm that takes pride in providing real time information to support ongoing litigation for construction defect actions nationwide.

Currently, Recon is providing field testing and observations relative to a high rise residential structure that has been affected by uncontrolled moisture intrusion through the building envelope.  As a result of the ongoing issues, the structure is being remediated.

To learn how Recon can help position your next case for a successful outcome, contact us today:


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Curtain Wall Testing Completed at University of North Florida

As a Qualified Third Party Testing Agency, Recon provided field testing services on the Student Wellness Center at UNF to ensure the water penetration resistance of the completed curtain wall facades.  A random sampling of curtain wall sections were tested to provide quality control on the project.

Remaining building envelope testing will include a field quality control check (AAMA 501.2) of a sizable portion of the metal panel facade.

Recon Independent Assessments provides professional testing services, to learn more about how we can help on your next project, call us:


Nozzle Test
Field Quality Control's Easy Button:  Recon Independent Assessments

Qualified Third Party Testing ASTM E-1105 & AAMA 501.2

Stand behind every window that is installed on your project, field test the installation to ensure water penetration resistance.
Recon Independent Assessments provides testing on site for water penetration resistance and air infiltration.  ASTM & AAMA test standards are followed to ensure a quality project results from the work performed.

Call anytime: 866-584-6868

We're ready to show you how easy testing can be.

Orange Park Medical Center Vertical Expansion Field Testing

Recon Independent Assessments is providing field testing of installed hurricane impact resistant windows and curtain wall on the vertical expansion project at Orange Park Medical Center.

As a Qualified Third Party Testing Agency, Recon inspects and tests newly installed fenestration and glazing to ensure that water penetration resistance is achieved.  The critical joints between the glazing and fenestration to the surrounding construction is key to ensuring a watertight building envelope.  Using test methods contained within ASTM E 1105 provides a measure of confidence to the contractor and owner that the installers have used best practices and have successfully completed their scope of work.

ASTM E 1105

Vertical Expansion


ASTM E-1105

Recon 866-584-6868