Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Full Speed Ahead

Recon Independent Assessments has been spending time in Navy towns this week. From Jacksonville, Florida to Norfolk, Virginia testing has been full speed ahead.

Recon's expertise in field testing installed windows for air infiltration and water penetration is exibited in the images below.

Prep for ASTM E 783 Air Infiltration Testing

Calibrated Spray Rack for an ASTM E 1105

Logging Test Data for the Final Written Report
Norfolk, Virginia

Both ASTM E 783 & ASTM E 1105 Field Test Proceedures were employed to make certain that the new Training Facility at the Farrier Fire Fighting School meets the Navy's expectation for a quality building.
Call the road warriors at Recon Independent Assessments with your project requirements to get a proposal for field testing. Wherever you need; Recon will deploy it's testing team to meet your needs.
Recon Independent Assessments

Monday, April 27, 2009

Not All Division 8 Specifications Include A Field Quality Control Section

Not every project has a field quality control section listed in the Division 8 Specifications. However, most specifications will refer to the laboratory performance requirements for the systems that are to be installed. Luckily, there are corresponding ASTM field testing standards to guide you.

For Air Infiltration:

ASTM E 783, Field Measurement of Air Leakage Through Installed Exterior Windows and Doors

For Water Penetration:

ASTM E 1105, Field Determination of Water Penetration of Installed Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls and Doors by Uniform or Cyclic Static air Pressure Difference

If you find that your project doesn't have QC methods and standards in place, contact us; Recon Independent Assessments can assist you in developing a cost effective, common sense solution that will involve all responsible parties. Afterall, the entire construction team is dedicated to delivering a quality building to the owners.

Contact us today to either get a quote for testing based on the specifications or where applicable, we'll develop a QC proposal for your Architect and Construction Management Team to review.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Late Spring Forecast

Recon Independent Assessments is looking forward to a very busy schedule in late April through May.

Projects requiring both water penetration and air infiltration testing will have us travelling throughout Florida, the Mid-Atlantic coast, a stop in Oklahoma, and the Rocky Mountains.

Our goal is to provide the best value in the field testing industry, and so far it seems that we're getting the job done.

We still have room in our schedule for a few more projects. As always, let us know if you need testing on your project, we're always happy to spend a little time on the phone with you and get you a project proposal based on your needs.

For the best ASTM E 783 and ASTM E 1105 Field Testing Consultants available:

If you want to talk to us on the phone, expect to leave a message (we're hands on in the field most days). We'll call you back in short order.

Recon Independent Assessments: The Field Testing Professionals Your Project Deserves!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Recon Independent Assessments ASTM Field Testing of Installed Windows

In the past week Recon Independent Assessments covered the State of Florida from north to south providing water infiltration testing of installed windows.

All results were documented via a written report that includes pictures, test logs, atmospheric conditions, and other pertinent information.

To view a sample report, send us a request via email:

ASTM E 1105 and/or AAMA 502 test proceedures were used to determine if the installed windows resisted water penetration as called for in the design specifications.

Testing 101: The ASTM E 783


Commonly known as the “Air-Infiltration test”, this test provides information that can assist in determining thermal transfer rates, energy efficiency and plain and simple ….. quality of the window products or installation, Good stuff to know as the cost of heating and cooling continues to rise, additionally; if air is transferring into and out of your building, it is bringing moisture and other unwanted elements into your work and living areas.

Air infiltration -- it is a problem in most every building. Not only is it costly, but for the people who live or work in a drafty environment it can be uncomfortable as well.
It is easy to understand air infiltration. In the summer, heat may enter a building through small cracks around windows, doors and other openings. Of course, air conditioned air escapes from these same cracks. In the winter, this problem is compounded by something known as "chimney" or "stack" effect.

Essentially, hot air rises and escapes through the openings near the top of the structure while cold air is drawn in through cracks or openings near the bottom of the building. The chimney effect can cause air movement as high as 10 m.p.h.!
Every cubic foot of infiltrated air will be heated or cooled at your expense. Over the course of a year, the additional energy costs really add up. But, it is not necessary to settle for a drafty environment.

If your project Specifications call for field testing for Air Infiltration, Recon Independent Assessments has the solution for you at a price point that will keep the bean counters happy.

Contact us today for a proposal:

Monday, April 6, 2009

The Missing Link: ASTM E-1105 Field Testing for Water Penetration

The following specification for installed aluminum windows references the ASTM E-1105, but falls short in specifying it's use in the construction of the facility. While there is reference to lab tests for the selected products, the assembly and its interface with surrounding materials is left to chance. Preventing water damage from uncontrolled leakage at openings needs to be part of every specification. Have you reviewed your current project to ensure FIELD TESTING is part of the process?

XXXX Design & Construction Standards





A. Documents affecting work of this section include but are not necessarily limited to, General
Conditions, special provisions and sections in Division I of these specifications.


A. Provide all labor, materials and equipment necessary for the complete aluminum window
installation as indicated on the drawings and/or specified herein.


A. AA (Aluminum Association) - Designation System for Aluminum Finishes.

B. AAMA (American Architectural Manufacturers' Association) - Curtain Wall Manual #10 -
Care and Handling of Architectural Aluminum from Shop to Site.

C. AAMA Series No. 11 - Design Wind Loads for Buildings and Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel

D. AAMA 606.1 - Specifications and Inspection Methods for Integral Color Anodic Finishes for
Architectural Aluminum.

E. AAMA 607.1 - Specifications and Inspection Methods for Clear Anodic Finishes for
Architectural Aluminum.

F. AAMA 608.1 - Specification and Inspection Methods for Electrolytically Deposited Color
Anodic Finishes for Architectural Aluminum.

G. AAMA 1502.7 - Test Methods for Condensation Resistance of Windows, Doors and Glazed
Wall Sections.

H. ASCE 7-98 – Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and other Structures.

I. ASTM A123/A123M – Standard Specification for Zinc (Hot Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron
and Steel Products.

J. ASTM B209 – Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Sheet and Plate.

K. ASTM B221 – Standard Specification for Aluminum-Alloy Extruded Bar, Rod, Wire, Shape
and Tubes.

L. ASTM E283 – Standard Test Method for Determining the Rate of Air Leakage Through
Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls and Doors.

M. ASTM E330 – Standard Test Method for Structural Performance of Exterior Windows, Curtain
Walls, and Doors by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference.

N. ASTM E331 – Standard Test Method for Water Penetration of Exterior Windows, Curtain
Walls, and Doors by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference.

O. ASTM E1105 – Standard Test Method for Field Determination of Water Penetration of
Installed Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, and Doors by Uniform or Cyclic Static Air Pressure

P. ASTM F588 – Standard Test Methods for Measuring the Forced Entry Resistance of Window
Assemblies, Excluding Glazing Impact.

Q. FS L-S-125 - Screening, Insect, Nonmetallic.

R. FS RR-W-365 - Wire Fabric (Insect Screening).

S. FBC – Florida Building Code.

T. Current Florida Building Code Product Approval.


A. Standards:

Except as otherwise shown or specified, comply with the applicable standards
published by ASTM, NAAMM, AAMA and AA, including definitions of terms and
designations not otherwise defined herein.

B. Performance:

1. All single window units and multiple window units furnished under this section shall meet
or exceed the following performance requirements. Resistance to Air Infiltration, water
resistance, uniform load deflector and load structural tests as set forth in ANSI/AAMA
101-85. The frame shall not leak when tested in accordance with ASTM E-331 at a test
pressure of 7.5 PSF. Systems shall also comply with ANSI A58.1.

2. Structural Design: All window systems shall be designed for a wind velocity and missile
impact protection in compliance with the FBC and ASCE 7-98.
a. Missile impact protection shall be passive, such as impact glass.

3. Limit air infiltration through assembly to .06 CU. FT/Min/SQ FT of assembly surface area
as measured at a reference differential pressure across assembly of .3" water gauge per

4. Testing: Provide certified copy of test results from an approved testing laboratory or
agency per the Florida Building Code Product Approval System. Testing certification
must accompany requests for substitutions and approvals prior to bidding.


A. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings for the fabrication and installation of aluminum
window units. Details of associated scale: typical unit elevations at 1" scale, and full size
detail sections of every typical composite member. Show fasteners, anchors, joint system,
material, profiles, thicknesses, hardware, weather-stripping, expansion provisions and other
elements not included in manufacturer's data. Include glazing details and assembly and
erection details in conjunction with other trades.

B. Manufacturer's Certificate: Certify that Products meet or exceed specified requirements and
performance criteria tests.

C. Samples: Submit samples of each exposed member and finish.

D. Product Approval: Supply copy to XXXXFacilities Department.


A. Design Criteria: The specifications and drawings are prepared based on a specific
manufacturer's type and model of aluminum windows. The Contractor may submit equivalent
type windows of other listed manufacturers for acceptance. Specific acceptance of equivalent
type windows will be considered provided deviations in dimensions and profile are minor and
do not materially detract from design concept in the sole opinion of the Architect, and design
and performance requirements comply with the specification requirements.

B. Standards: Except as otherwise indicated, requirements for aluminum windows, terminology,
and standards of performance, fabrication, and workmanship shall be specified and
recommended in ANSI/AAMA 101-88 and applicable general recommendations published by
AAMA and AA and compliance with ANSI A58.1. Manufacturer shall submit written proof of
compliance with all the above standards.


A. The Contractor shall provide a written warranty signed by manufacturer, installer, and
Contractor, agreeing to replace aluminum window units that have defects or failures in
materials or workmanship within one year of date of Substantial Completion for the project.
Failure of material or workmanship shall include, but shall not be limited to, excessive leakage
or air infiltration, excessive deflections, faulty operation of sash, deterioration of finish or
metal in excess of normal weathering, defects in hardware, weather-stripping, and other
components of work.


A. Section 01700 – Project Closeout.

B. Provide written warranty from manufacturer against material defects in manufacturing for a
minimum period of five-years from the date of Substantial Completion for the project. Include
coverage for degradation of the color finish.



A. Shall be based on Series 3062, 0.125” inches thick, 2" inches deep, casement window as
manufactured by SOL-A-TROL Aluminum Products, Inc., with impact resistant glass.

B. Equivalent products by Efco, YKK AP America and Superior Window Corp are acceptable.

C. Other manufacturers seeking approval shall submit the required product information, certified test data, samples, and evidence of meeting the FBC "Product Approval Requirements" for review and acceptance by the Architect and the XXXX Facilities Department. A
Professional Engineer registered in the State of Florida must certify compliance with all listed

D. Approval: Window system must meet current Florida Building Code Product Approval in
compliance with ASCE 7-98 wind and missile impact requirements for the window system.

E. Furnish any additional reinforcing materials determined to be required for compliance with
ASCE 7-98 under this section.

F. All window units shall meet the FBC requirements for missile impact resistance and any other
code requirements.


A. Shall be based on 0.125” inches thick, 2" inches deep, fixed window as manufactured by SOLA-TROL Aluminum Products, Inc.

B. Equivalent products by Efco, YKK AP America, and Superior Window Corp are acceptable.

C. Other manufacturers seeking approval shall submit the required product information, certified test data, samples, and evidence of meeting the FBC "Product Approval Requirements" for review and acceptance by the Architect and the XXXX Facilities Department. A
Professional Engineer registered in the State of Florida must certify compliance with all listed

D. Approval: Window system must meet current Florida Building Code Product Approval in
compliance with ASCE 7-98 wind and missile impact requirements for the window system.

E. Furnish any additional reinforcing materials determined to be required for compliance with
ASCE 7-98 under this section.

F. All window units shall meet the FBC requirements for missile impact resistance and any other
code requirements.


A. Shall be based on Series 500-S, 0.078" inches thick, 2.75" inches deep, frame, manufactured by SOL-A-TROL Aluminum Products, Inc., with impact resistant glass.

B. Equivalent products by Efco, YKK AP America and Superior Window Corp are acceptable.

C. Other manufacturers seeking approval shall submit the required product information, certified test data, samples, and evidence of meeting the FBC "Product Approval Requirements" for review and acceptance by the Architect and the XXXX Facilities Department. A
Professional Engineer registered in the State of Florida must certify compliance with all listed

D. Approval: Window system must meet current Florida Building Code Product Approval in
compliance with ASCE 7-98 wind and missile impact requirements for the window system.

E. Furnish any additional reinforcing materials determined to be required for compliance with
ASCE 7-98 under this section.

F. All window units shall meet the FBC requirements for missile impact resistance and any other
code requirements.


A. Frame and vent members shall be extruded aluminum shapes of 6063-T5 alloy, having a
minimum tensile strength of 22,000 PSI and minimum yield strength of 16,000 PSI.

B. Fasteners: Nonmagnetic stainless steel warranted by manufacturer to be non-corrosive and
compatible with the aluminum window members, trim, hardware, anchors, and others
components of the window units.

1. Reinforcement: Where fasteners screw anchor into aluminum less than 0.125" thick,
reinforce interior with nonmagnetic stainless steel to receive screw threads, or provide
standard non-corrosive pressed in spline grommet nuts.

2. Exposed fasteners shall not be used except where unavoidable for application of hardware.
Match finish of adjoining metal.

3. Phillips flat head machine screws shall be used for exposed fasteners.

C. Anchors, Clips, and Window Accessories: Depending on strength and corrosion-inhibiting
requirements, fabricate units of aluminum, nonmagnetic stainless steel, or hot-dip zinc coated
steel or iron complying with ASTM A386.

D. Compression Glazing Strips and Weather-stripping: At manufacturer's option, provide molded neoprene gaskets complying with ASTM D2000 Designation 2BC415 to 3BC620, molded PVC gaskets complying with ASTM D2287, or molded expanded neoprene gaskets complying with ASTM C509, Grade 4.

E. Sealant: Unless otherwise indicated for sealants required within fabricated window units,
provide type recommended by window manufacturer for joint size and movement, to remain
permanently elastic, non-shrinking and non-migrating. Comply with paragraph 3.02 for
application and installation of project sealants.

F. Friction Shoes: Nylon or other non-abrasive, non-metallic, non-staining, non-corrosive durable material.


A. Frame joints shall be neatly fitted with intersections between horizontal and vertical members
notched and mechanically joined with two or more screws in integral screw grooves. Vent
corners shall be mitered and welded to form a hairline watertight joint and afford maximum

B. General: Fabrication and accessories shall comply with the specified standards and windows
units shall be re-glazable without dismantling of sash framing. Include complete system for
assembly of components and anchorage of window units. Prepare sash for job site glazing if
sashes are not pre-glazed at the factory.

C. Window Sizes and Profiles: Required sizes of window units and profile requirements are as
indicated on the Drawings. Details on Drawings are based upon standard details by on
manufacturer. It is intended that similar details by other manufacturers will be acceptable,
provided they comply with size requirements, minimum/maximum profile requirements, and
performance standards as indicated or specified.

D. Coordination of Fabrication: Verify actual window openings of construction work by accurate
field measurement before fabrication and show recorded measurements on final shop drawings.
Coordinate fabrication schedule with construction progress to avoid delay of work.

E. Pre-glazed Fabrication: At option of Contractor, pre-glaze window units at factor in lieu of job
site glazing. Comply with requirements of ANSI/AAMA 102-88 and Glazing Section 08800.

F. Provide means of drainage for water and condensation, which may accumulate in members of
window units.

G. Sliding Weather-stripping: Provide double weather-stripping using silicone-coated woven pile
with polypropylene fin center complying with AAMA 701.

H. Provide sub-frames with anchors for all window units as detailed, of profile and dimensions
indicated but not less than 0.062" thickness extruded aluminum; with mitered or coped corners,
welded and dressed smooth or with concealed mechanical joint fasteners; finish to match
window units.

I. Provide mullions and cover plates as detailed, matching window units, and complete with
anchors for support and installation. Allow for erection tolerances and provide for movements
of window units due to thermal expansion and building deflections.


A. All hardware shall be stainless steel.

B. Sash lock: Lever handle with cam lock.

C. Threshold: Extruded aluminum sloped to exterior.

D. Insect Screen Frames: Rolled aluminum of rectangular sections; fit frames with adjustable


A. Vents shall be inside glazed using a preformed butyl tape at the exterior and an EPDM drive in wedge at the interior with ¼" neoprene setting blocks at the sill and spacer shims at other sides. Glazing rabbet shall be a minimum of ¾" with a minimum edge bite on glass of ½". Full
height aluminum glazing bead shall be supplied with nominal wall thickness of .050". Vents
shall be designed to accommodate glass thicknesses from ¼" minimum up to 1" maximum.
Unless otherwise indicated, glass thickness for this project shall be ¼" thickness. Refer to
Section 08800 for glass type for glazing.

B. Comply with applicable codes and regulations and with the Consumer Product Safety
Commission CPSC 16 CFR 1201 and with applicable recommendations of Flat Glass

C. Provide labels showing glass manufacturer's identity, type of glass, thickness, and quality.
Labels shall remain on glass until it has been set and approved by the Architect.


A. Screens shall be provided for each venting sash units indicated on the Drawings. Standard
screens shall be an extruded aluminum frame with 18 by 16 dark coated fiberglass mesh.
Screens shall be retained with either fixed rigid clips or integral extruded members with
aluminum plungers as required.


A. Sections shall be free of scratches and other serious surface blemishes and chemically cleaned.

B. Both interior and exterior aluminum sections shall have the following finish:

1. A44 anodized to 215-R1, prepared with a chemical C pre-treatment. Finish to be anodized
to a standard color as selected by the Architect.



A. Openings for aluminum windows shall be prepared as part of the work of other sections to the
proper size, plumb, square, level, and in the proper location and alignment as shown on the
Architect's Drawings and the approved shop drawings.

A. Window units, hardware, operators and miscellaneous components shall be installed in
accordance with the details shown on the drawings, approved shop drawings, and in strict
accordance with the manufacturer's directions. The Contractor shall prepare openings plumb
and square and of a size and configuration compatible with the windows to be installed.
Window units shall be set plumb, level, and true line, without warp or rack of frames of sash.
Proper and acceptable separation of aluminum and other corrodible surfaces from sources of
corrosion or electrolytic action. Window units shall be set true in exact alignment with the
surrounding building materials and construction. Anchoring units securely in place shall be in
strict accordance with good practice, shall be consistent with the design and structural
requirements of the specifications and the manufacturer's recommendations. Sufficient
caulking shall be used to render a tight seal between components of window units and their
surrounding construction. See Perimeter Caulking below.


A. General: Perimeter caulking with sealant as specified herein, indicated on the drawings, and as otherwise required to make a watertight seal between the windows and frames and window
frames and their surrounding construction shall be provided and installed.

B. Sealant Application: Joints to receive sealant shall have widths of approximately " minimum
and ¼" maximum. The depth of sealant shall not exceed the width of joints. Sealants shall be
applied in properly prepared and primed joints. Apply sealant so that joints will no trap water.


A. Adjust operating sash and hardware to provide tight fit at contact points and at weatherstripping and to insure smooth operation and weather-tight closure.

B. Upon completion of work specified under this section, aluminum windows (and the surfaces of
materials adjoining these units which have been soiled because of work performed under this
section) shall be thoroughly cleaned of foreign materials.

C. Clean aluminum surfaces promptly after installation of windows, exercising care to avoid
damage to protective coatings and finishes. Remove excess glazing and sealant compounds,
dirt, and other substances. Lubricate hardware and moving parts.

D. Clean glass of pre-glazed units promptly after installation of windows.

E. After being cleaned, units shall be protected against damage or deterioration until final
acceptance of the work. Damaged or defective units shall be replaced without additional cost
to the Owner.


Contact Recon Independent assessments today: Contact Form Below

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Field Testing Storefronts, Curtain Walls, and Sloped Glazing Systems

AAMA 503-03

Field Testing of Storefronts, Curtain Walls and Sloped Glazing Systems

Scope and Purpose
1.1 These specifications establish the requirements for test specimens, apparatus, sampling, test procedures and test reports to be used in evaulating the performance of installed storefronts, curtain walls and sloped glazing systems. ("Test Area" hereafter referred to as "specimen".)

1.1.1 Windows and sliding glass doors included within the specimen shall be tested in accordance with AAMA 502-02, "Voluntary Specification for Field Testing of Windows and Sliding Glass Doors."

1.2 Field testing procedure and test apparatus shall meet the requirements of the referenced ASTM test method. The most current revision of the ASTM method shall be identified in the specifications. If a revision number is not referenced thten the one current during the bidding stage of the project shall be used.

1.2.1 Resistance to air infiltration using static air pressure difference: ASTM E 783, "Standard Test Method for Field Measurement of Air Leakage Through Installed Exterior Windows and Doors."

1.2.2 Resistance to water penetration using static air pressure difference: ASTM E 1105, "Standard Test Method for Field Determination of Water Penetration of Installed Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls and Doors by Uniform or Cyclic Static Air Pressure Difference."

1.3 The purpose of this specification is to provide a guide which can be used to evaluate the installed performance of storefronts, curtain walls and sloped glazing systems for resistance to water penetration under controllable and reproducible wind driven rain conditions. This specification may also be used to evaluate the installed air leakage of "punched opening" curtain walls, storefronts and sloped glazing. Field air leakage testing is not recommended for a portion of continuous systems.

Make certain your specifications are requiring testing of the installed products rather than field quality checks via a calibrated spray nozzle. The AAMA 503-03 is the answer.

Recon Independent Assessments provides field testing in accordance to the guidelines set forth in the AAMA 503-03. Contact us to recieve a proposal for your project.

Recent clients include: Whiting-Turner, Haskell, Stellar, Elkins, and BE&K.