Recon Independent Assessments was awarded the Division 8 field quality control examination and testing for the Northwest Hospital ER-7 Addition & Renovation in Baltimore, MD.
Testing and examination of ongoing work will begin in late fall of 2014.
Recon Independent Assessments - Building Envelope Consultants, Qualified Third Party Testing Agency, Expert Litigation Support
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Recon Awarded Hospital Addition & Renovation Field Testing
Jacksonville, Florida Federal Courthouse Curtain Wall Repairs
Recon Independent Assessments was selected by GSA to provide field quality control examination and testing in support of the repair work being undertaken to correct leaks through the curtain wall glazing at the Jacksonville, FL Federal Courthouse.
Recon will provide testing in accordance to GSA's statement of work on the repair project to ensure successful repairs are completed to the building envelope.
Recon will provide testing in accordance to GSA's statement of work on the repair project to ensure successful repairs are completed to the building envelope.
Federal Courthouse Water Intrusion Repairs Awarded
Recon Independent Assessments was selected by GSA as Water Intrusion Design Specialists for the Pensacola, Florida Federal Courthouse water intrusion repairs project that is kicking off in September.
Recon will be performing examinations of existing conditions and working closely with the entire team to design and implement solutions that will correct latent issues within the building envelope to prevent future moisture intrusion.
Recon will be performing examinations of existing conditions and working closely with the entire team to design and implement solutions that will correct latent issues within the building envelope to prevent future moisture intrusion.
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Recently Completed Work - NASA Langley Research Center
Recon has been actively involved in the ongoing work at NASA Langley over the past few years. Most recently Recon wrapped up its contribution to the IESB project. From Design Review to completion of the building envelope, Recon was an active participant throughout the project.
NASA Langley’s 20-Year Revitalization Plan | NASA
Contact Recon to learn how our experience can benefit your next project.
NASA Langley’s 20-Year Revitalization Plan | NASA
Contact Recon to learn how our experience can benefit your next project.
Building Envelope QC, Window Testing, Sealant Pull Tests, Field Roof Uplift Testing & GPR - Recon and Florida Field Testing Has Been Busy
Multi-Family Field Quality Control Testing
New Construction HS Expansion
Florida Field Testing, LLC Providing
GPR to Locate Rebar in Footer
On the Way to Our Next Project
Field Testing RTS Bus Maintenance Facility
Contact Us at 407-948-4983 to Discuss your Building Envelope or Testing Needs
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Building Envelope Review - Failure Analysis - Leak Locating - Field Testing - Roof Uplift
Recon has been busy. From several projects around the Tampa, FL area to Orlando, Gainesville, Jacksonville and Pensacola; we even managed to squeeze in a project up in Virginia over the past few weeks.
Field testing with the ASTM E 1105 / AAMA 502 & 503 has been getting a lot of attention on the ever busy apartment building boom thats ongoing.
Working directly for the owner on a large apartment development is keeping envelope details on track and quality high. After determining the best configuration of flashing and wrap on a mock-up, its been an ongoing effort to ensure the buildings follow.
Plenty of FM - 152 roof uplift requests are coming in, it looks like the fall will be busy in that regard.
Don't forget Electronic Vector Mapping is available for live roof installs to ensure no breaches or pinholes exist in the membrane before installing media and live plantings. Contact us today to get surprised by how affordable we've made it. 407-948-4983.
When the next tropical event happens, we expect to be busy providing cause and origin on leak issues on large custom coastal homes
We've had a few preparing for storm season by ensuring their windows and envelope are tight and ready for the impending wind driven rain of the wet season.
Field testing with the ASTM E 1105 / AAMA 502 & 503 has been getting a lot of attention on the ever busy apartment building boom thats ongoing.
Working directly for the owner on a large apartment development is keeping envelope details on track and quality high. After determining the best configuration of flashing and wrap on a mock-up, its been an ongoing effort to ensure the buildings follow.
Plenty of FM - 152 roof uplift requests are coming in, it looks like the fall will be busy in that regard.
Don't forget Electronic Vector Mapping is available for live roof installs to ensure no breaches or pinholes exist in the membrane before installing media and live plantings. Contact us today to get surprised by how affordable we've made it. 407-948-4983.
When the next tropical event happens, we expect to be busy providing cause and origin on leak issues on large custom coastal homes
We've had a few preparing for storm season by ensuring their windows and envelope are tight and ready for the impending wind driven rain of the wet season.
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Patriot Ridge - Radius Curtain Wall Field Testing by Recon Independent Assessments
Past Project:
Recon Independent Assessments provided water penetration resistance field testing on the installed curtain wall during construction of Patriot Ridge. As a Qualified Third Party Testing Agency, Recon is available to provide field testing of windows, storefront, curtain wall & skylight systems on your project.
We're looking for more projects, contact us today for a proposal. From building envelope design review, field quality control, building envelope consulting & field testing; Recon is available nationwide.
Recon Independent Assessments
Recon Independent Assessments
RTS Bus Maintenance Facility Water Penetration Resistance Field Testing ASTM E-1105
Recon Independent Assessments
Field Report
Recon Independent Assessments is providing field testing on the RTS Bus Maintenance Facility as well as several other projects around Gainesville, FL.
Let us know if you need building envelope design review or field quality control consulting services on your project. We're looking for more projects with owners who believe in building the best building available.
Monday, April 21, 2014
Building Envelope Consulting & Testing
Recon Independent Assessments is providing Field Quality Control and Building Envelope Consulting services on a new building on the Campus of University of Florida in Gainseville, FL.
From testing an onsite mock-up to testing fenestration and openings to ensure they are watertight, Recon is partnered with the General Contractor to ensure that a watertight building is delivered to the University.
From testing an onsite mock-up to testing fenestration and openings to ensure they are watertight, Recon is partnered with the General Contractor to ensure that a watertight building is delivered to the University.
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On site to perform AAMA 501.2 Field Quality Control Checks |
Friday, April 18, 2014
Building Envelope Nearing Completion
Recon Independent Assessments has been involved in the project from Design Review through Construction. By providing periodic Quality Control Visits and Consulting through the building process, Recon helped head off problems and identified areas that required special attention to ensure a watertight delivery.
Components covered included curtain wall, composite metal panels, roofing, skylights, terra cotta facade and sealants.
Its always a pleasure seeing a building take shape and march along towards completion.
Components covered included curtain wall, composite metal panels, roofing, skylights, terra cotta facade and sealants.
Its always a pleasure seeing a building take shape and march along towards completion.
Recon Independent Assessments provides Building Envelope Consulting and Field Testing throughout the United States.
Contact us today to discover how our experience can benefit your next project.
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Condo Renovation Window Replacement Field Quality Control
Coastal areas experience higher incidences of wind driven rain. Code requirements along the coast require window replacements that have higher performance ratings. The replacement project needs to be field tested prior to project completion to confirm successful installation that prevents water penetration.
Field testing protocols using the ASTM E 1105 standard are Recon Independent Assessments specialty.
A recent South Florida project engaged Recon to perform testing to satisfy the project specifications that required field testing.
Contact Recon Independent Assessments to provide Field Quality Control Testing if your Window Replacement Project requires testing by an Independent Qualified Third Party Testing Agency.
Field testing protocols using the ASTM E 1105 standard are Recon Independent Assessments specialty.
A recent South Florida project engaged Recon to perform testing to satisfy the project specifications that required field testing.
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Void in sealant at the sill discovered through ASTM E 1105 Field Testing. |
Monday, March 31, 2014
Invest In Your Reputation - A fifteen minute phone call...
A lot is going on. Scheduling deliveries, coordinating trades, managing RFI's, the list is endless...
Recon Independent Assessments can review your design documents and details before the first component of the building envelope is set in place. We've done it numerous times for a long list of clients. We always see a few things that either need a bit of clarity or brings the detail into the spotlight where it will get special attention when it is executed.
Fortify Your Reputation |
During construction, Recon's visits are designed to examine the construction from a perspective that focuses on avoiding water intrusion issues where different components intersect and join. Its what we do. Unlike the Project Team, our focus is singular and its where we shine. In turn, the project and ultimately your reputation are burnished; laying the groundwork for a solid reputation for delivering the watertight building envelope that is desired.
The Reputation Insurance provided by Recon Independent Assessments is affordable and generally a nominal expense to the overall budget.
Call us
to learn more
about our past clients
how we earn our reputation one project at a time.
Friday, March 28, 2014
Reputation Insurance - A 15 Minute Phone Call...
Mother Nature will come calling and provide a real & dynamic QC check after the building is occupied by the owner.
The importance of field quality control in Division 8 can not be overlooked.
Over 80% of construction related claims involve water intrusion through the building envelope.
Wind Driven Rain is a Reality |
Waterproofing details are important. |
Testing Early in the Project Sets the Bar for Quality. |
With typical cost of less that 1% of most project budgets, we provide the most affordable Reputation Insurance available.
Contact is easy:
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Field Quality Control ALERT
Nearly every product used in the construction of the building envelope suggests compatibility testing in the field before use. Its a good practice to follow. By doing so, you may avoid negative issues downline.
Recently, Recon Independent Assessments conducted an investigation to determine causation of leak issues on an existing structure and subsequently provided field QC while repairs were implemented.
During the repairs phase, evidence of degradation of Blue Skin vapor barrier / waterproofing membrane was noted where it had come into contact with expandable foam insulation.
As one of the last lines of defense beneath the exterior cladding, the damage to the Blue Skin membrane was of great concern.
If you plan to use a spray foam where it will come into contact with a peel and stick membrane of any type, investigate the compatibility of the two substrates to ensure that a latent problem is not being created.
Recently, Recon Independent Assessments conducted an investigation to determine causation of leak issues on an existing structure and subsequently provided field QC while repairs were implemented.
During the repairs phase, evidence of degradation of Blue Skin vapor barrier / waterproofing membrane was noted where it had come into contact with expandable foam insulation.
As one of the last lines of defense beneath the exterior cladding, the damage to the Blue Skin membrane was of great concern.
If you plan to use a spray foam where it will come into contact with a peel and stick membrane of any type, investigate the compatibility of the two substrates to ensure that a latent problem is not being created.
Blue Skin Membrane damaged by Expandable Spray Foam |
Additional Blue Skin Areas Damaged Where In Contact With Expandable Spray Foam |
Contact Recon at
if you have questions
regarding this
Field Quality Control ALERT.
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Building Envelope Consulting & Field Quality Control Testing
Contact Recon For A
Cost Proposal
Your Project
Design Review - Mock-Up Testing - Construction Field QC Testing
Failure Analysis - Leak Source Location - Repair Recommendations
Litigation Support
Field Offices Nationwide
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Building Envelope Success By Recon Independent Assessments
Create A Culture of Quality
The skilled trades that assemble the components of your next project should be well aware of the importance of delivering a watertight building envelope. Their reputation, as well as yours will be put to the test by Mother Nature after the owner occupies the building.
To ensure the success of the building envelope, Recon Independent Assessments is available to provide candid observations and RFIs to your design team well before the first footer is dug or concrete is poured.
By addressing details in the early phase of a project, expectations are set regarding quality and the importance of getting it right the first time. There are no winners when warranty claims are required.
Once the best design effort is complete and work begins in earnest, things may develop on site that call into question how systems tie together despite the details that exist. There will also be unforeseen issues that are borne of scheduling or changes uplink in the construction. Recon Independent Assessments provides QC visits to the site to focus on the prevention of water penetration through the envelope.
Recon personnel will often see issues that are easily solvable once trades openly discuss them and an RFI is generated to gain approval from the design professionals.
Periodic visits of this kind keep the quality focused and address issues in real time, not in hind site, which can become costly and impact schedules.
As systems begin to integrate, testing in the field confirms everyones efforts were successful. Its not only recommended as a matter of due diligence, most often its required by the specifications.
Recon Independent Assessments has seen a marked improvement in successful testing on projects where the culture of quality is implemented from the design phase and carried through until the testing begins.
To learn how our services will lead to cost savings and improved reputation, contact us today.
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Recon Independent Assessments
From Design to Completion
We're There Every Step
The Way
Designs often appear to integrate different materials seamlessly on paper, but the devil is in the details.
Details where materials of different construction join in the building envelope are critical to delivering a watertight and sustainable design.
Recon Independent Assessments has the experience to provide consulting services on your project.
Our goal is to compliment the construction team by providing observations that stimulate results which lead to a successful completion of the building envelope.
Bring our experience to your next project.
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Design Review - Consulting - Mock-Up Testing - Envelope QC - Failure Analysis
Recon Independent Assessments has a broad base of knowledge from years of experience in the Building Envelope Consulting field. Whether your project is on the board going through design phase or construction is beginning Recon Independent Assessments has the skill set and experience to provide real time actionable recommendations to help your team deliver the very best watertight building envelope to your client.
An overview of some of our current projects includes:
Two federal projects in Virginia; one under construction and another undergoing renovations to correct issues related to water intrusion after occupancy.
A project in North Carolina that encompasses three new buildings under construction where Recon Independent Assessments is assisting the Building Envelope Commissioning Agent by providing field testing and consulting to ensure roof systems, cladding and fenestration are performing to meet design criteria.
A project in Florida on a state university campus assisting an the Architect tasked with developing a remedial plan for a dormitory that is being adversely affected by high moisture levels within the structure.
Four projects in Florida providing field quality control testing on various residential multi-family low rise and high rise structures for the General Contractor to ensure the glazing subcontractor meets the design criteria for installed fenestration.
A project in Florida encompassing multiple buildings for a Regional Public Transportation System's Maintenance facility to document successful installation of various window systems using ASTM E -1105 Field Testing for Water Penetration Resistance.
A project in Florida where new construction of a municipal Police Department requires field testing of punched openings, storefront and curtain wall systems to meet the project specifications design criteria.
Two healthcare projects in Maryland; providing building envelope consulting, design review and field testing on one and providing field testing and consulting on the other.
Recon Independent Assessments is available to assist on your project should the need arise.
Contact us to discuss your project:
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