Recon Independent Assessments opinion is pretty clear, all projects deserve to have field testing of installed fenestration. The reson for it is to ensure that the Owner is recieving the highest quality, sustainable, lowest maintence cost building possible.
That being said, dont take our word for it, ask the manufacturer of the system your project will use.
Kawneer reserves the right to change configuration without prior notice when deemed Laws and building and safety codes governing the design and use of glazed necessary for product improvement. entrance, window, and curtain wall products vary widely. Kawneer does not control the selection of product configurations, operating hardware, or glazing materials,
© Kawneer Company, Inc., 2005 and assumes no responsibility therefor.
Kawneer reserves the right to change configuration without prior notice when deemed Laws and building and safety codes governing the design and use of glazed necessary for product improvement. entrance, window, and curtain wall products vary widely. Kawneer does not control the selection of product configurations, operating hardware, or glazing materials,
© Kawneer Company, Inc., 2005 and assumes no responsibility therefor.
2. Glass: Refer to Section 8 Glass and Glazing.
a. Reference: ANSI Z97.1, CPSC 16 CFR 1201 and GANA Glazing Manual.
3.03 Field Quality Control
A. Field Tests: Architect shall select storefront units to be tested as soon as a representative portion of the project has been installed, glazed, perimeter caulked and cured. Conduct tests for air infiltration and water penetration with manufacturer's representative present. Tests not meeting specified performance requirements and units having deficiencies shall be corrected as part of the contract amount.
1. Testing: Testing shall be performed by a qualified independent testing agency. Refer to Division 1 Testing Section for payment of testing and testing requirements. Testing Standard per AAMA 503, including reference to ASTM E 783 for Air Infiltration Test and ASTM E 1105
Water Infiltration Test.
a. Air Infiltration Tests: Conduct tests in accordance with ASTM E 783. Allowable air infiltration shall not exceed 1.5 times the amount indicated in the performance requirements or 0.09 cfm/ft2, which ever is greater.
b. Water Infiltration Tests: Conduct tests in accordance with ASTM E 1105. No uncontrolled water leakage is permitted when tested at a static test pressure of two-thirds the specified water penetration pressure but not less than 6.24 psf.
B. Manufacturer's Field Services: Upon Owner's request, provide manufacturer's field service consisting of product use recommendations and periodic site
visit for inspection of product installation in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
4 2250 IG EFFECTIVE MAY, 2007 Guide Specs 08 44 13 GLAZED ALUMINUM CURTAIN WALLS EC 97909-06 kawneer.com Kawneer reserves the right to change configuration without prior notice when deemed Laws and building and safety codes governing the design and use of glazed necessary for product improvement. entrance, window, and curtain wall products vary widely. Kawneer does not control the selection of product configurations, operating hardware, or glazing materials, © Kawneer Company, Inc., 2007 and assumes no responsibility therefor.
1. Field Measurements: Verify actual measurements/openings by field measurements before fabrication; show recorded measurements on shop drawings. Coordinate field measurements, fabrication schedule with construction progress to avoid construction delays.
3.02 Installation
A. General: Install curtain wall systems plumb, level, and true to line, without warp or rack of frames with manufacturer’s prescribed tolerances and installation instructions. Provide support and anchor in place.
1. Dissimilar Materials: Provide separation of aluminum materials from sources of corrosion or electrolytic action contact points.
2. Weather Tight Construction: Install sill members and other members in a bed of sealant or with joint filler or gaskets, to provide weather tight construction. Coordinate installation with wall flashings and other components of construction.
a. Refer to Joint Treatments (Sealants) Section for installation requirements.
B. Related Products Installation Requirements:
1. Sealants (Perimeter): Refer to Joint Treatment (Sealants) Section.
2. Glass: Refer to Glass and Glazing Section.
a. Reference: ANSI Z97.1, CPSC 16 CFR 1201 and GANA Glazing Manual.
3.03 Field Quality Control
A. Field Tests: Architect shall select curtain wall units to be tested as soon as a representative portion of the project has been installed, glazed, perimeter caulked and cured. Conduct tests for air infiltration and water penetration with manufacturer’s representative present. Tests not meeting specified performance requirements and units having deficiencies shall be corrected as part of the contract amount.
1. Testing: Testing shall be performed per AAMA 503 by a qualified independent testing agency. Refer to Testing Section for payment of testing and testing requirements.
a. Air Infiltration Tests: Conduct tests in accordance with ASTM E 783. Allowable air infiltration shall not exceed 1.5 times the amount indicated in the performance requirements or 0.09 cfm/ft2, which ever is greater.
b. Water Infiltration Tests: Conduct tests in accordance with ASTM E 1105. No uncontrolled water leakage is permitted when tested at a static test pressure of two-thirds the specified water penetration pressure but not less than 8 psf (383 Pa).
B. Manufacturer’s Field Services: Upon Owner’s written request, provide periodic site visit by manufacturer’s field service representative.
Recon Independent Assessments is your projects link to ensuring that the envelope is watertight. The interface between windows, storefronts, and curtainwall is the point where the waether meets the wall!
Call us today!