Monday, May 9, 2011

Building Envelope Consulting by Recon Independent Assessments

Test Early, Test Often, Pay Attention to Details

At Recon, we've watched a few projects come unhinged when testing results are not favorable.  Schedules get impacted, people get defensive and begin the blame game, reputations are tarnished...

Despite the common goal of delivering a watertight building envelope, sometimes the design intent gets lost in the shuffle of the many trades that have a part in it.  To avoid common pitfalls and to get the job done right the first time, a building envelope consultant can bring calm to the situation.

Recon provides full building envelope services.  From the roof down, we will set the expectations with trades, review plans and submitals and provide observation to help projects avoid mistakes that are costly.

The best airplane mechanic I know has a large banner on the wall of his hangar that reads "If we cant find the time to do it right the first time, how will we ever have time to do it again"

Let Recon Independent Assessments guide your next project by providing building envelope guidance and oversight.

Recon Independent Assessments is standing by to join your project team, call us today
